Saturday, July 18, 2015

Save this (saved only for) for notes for Project on WWI. Louis Sheehan. 9.3.

Bernard Shaw as a Patriot.
From The New York World, Nov. 17, 1914.

Bernard Shaw has written for our neighbor THE TIMES an elaborate three-page thesis to maintain:
1. That Great Britain was abundantly justified in making war with Germany.
2. That the explanation given by the British Government for making war against Germany was stupid, hypocritical, mendacious, and disgraceful.
3. That he alone is capable of interpreting the moral purpose of the British people in undertaking this necessary work of civilization.
4. That the reason the British Government's justification of the war is so inadequate is because no British Government is ever so clever as Bernard Shaw.
{68}5. That even in the midst of the most horrible calamity known to human history it pays to advertise.
Various patriots have various ways of serving their country. Some go to the firing line to be shot and others stay at home to be a source of innocent merriment to the survivors.

Save this (saved only for) for notes for Project on WWI.  Louis Sheehan. 9.3.

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